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Frequently Asked Questions

This is a small collection of questions that we have been asked repeatedly. We publish the answers here in condensed form to let all users of Yulup benefit.

All major browsers are equipped with a spell checker. For some of them you have to either first turn it on or even download a dictionary.
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
    The settings for the spell checker can be configured in the control panel of your computer. Please go to 'Time & language' or 'Clock, Language, and Region'. These settings affect the behaviour of your Internet Explorer as well.
  • Google Chrome
    Within the language settings of Google Chrome (copy the address chrome://settings/languages into the address bar of the browser) you can set for which language the spell checking will be active. Additional languages can be added there as well.
  • Mozilla Firefox
    You might first have to download dictionaries from the website of Firefox. There is also an in-depth description about spell checking.

As soon as the spell checker discovers a typo, it will be highlighted. After a right-click on it, you can select a suggested corretion in the context menu. If only the context menu of the editor of Yulup is displayed, keep the [Ctrl] key pressed while you do the right-click.

You can check whether the spell checking is working by clicking into the following text area with your left or right mouse button:

Yes, there is a tool within the editor for doing so. Code snippets can be inserted and syntax highlighting will be applied according to the selected programming language. More information can be found in the Quick Start Guide.
Yet BDD evangelists recommend not to add coding instructions to the BDD Scenarios. But hey, if you want to do so, it will be useful for sure...!
Images that are located on a web server can be integrated into the description of a Persona, a User Story, or a BDD Scenario.
Aditionally files like a screenshot can be attached to a BDD Scenario etc. and their URL can be used to insert them into the BDD Scenario. See some examples in the Quick Start Guide within the chapter about comments.

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